Paved Mountain is Radical Dads' forth album.  We were able to use the amazing artwork of Anna Haifisch for this one.  I  put it all together and added the lettering on the cover and on the back cover.
I also did the label, using a standard Uninhabitable Mansions label that I designed a while back for Uninhabitable Mansions and have used on a number of previous releases.  The basic design is customized for each release, for this one I just added the hand written band name and album title and changed the colors.
Here is the finished product.
As with all records, we were sent test presses of the record to make sure they sounded ok before printing the entire edition.  These copies feel a bit special, but usually they just end up sitting around since they're unlabeled and there's not much we can do with them.  For this album I decided to do a special limited edition cover by hand for all the test presses.  I used the primary Anna Haifisch cover as my template, but then I added my characters in from my Institution video.  Instead of some extra records sitting around, these became special edition copies that were the first to fly off the shelves.