OutSchool is a platform for educational videos where teachers can create their own content and students can find classes about whatever interests them.  
Client: OutSchool
Product: Video ads
Outschool was in the middle of a rebrand which included some hand drawn illustrations, so I was tasked with bringing these illustrations to life, and also adding new elements which would fit in with their new style.  The drawings were done on my iPad in Procreate, cleaned up in Photoshop and then moved into After Effects to be animated over the video that Outschool supplied me with.   See some gifs from it below.  Watch the full video here.
I then worked on two more videos with original video filmed with the idea that animations would be added over them.  This made them much more interesting, but also added an extra layer of difficulty, since it involved making the animations follow the actor, rather than just going on top of them as many of them did in the first video.  For example, I had put the helmet on him, and then have it follow his movements around the screen.
This first one emphasized computer game design and coding, so we dropped the actor into the game itself.  Watch the full video here.
The second video was music themed.  The actor's movement as she pretended to play the piano wasn't very natural, but it ended up creating one of the more interesting animations, as I had to figure out how to get the piano to work with the swinging of her arms.  Watch the full video here.