As a member of multiple bands, I used the opportunity to learn more about the actual production of albums and design and layout all of the artwork.  I was able to work through the whole process of working with artists (when not doing that myself), laying out all of the different elements, and working with printers and proofs to create a final product
"Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (2005)
Released in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats.
Color, layout, lettering and graphic design.
Drawings by Dasha Shishkin.
View more on my Clap Your Hands Say Yeah page.
"Some Loud Thunder" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (2007)
Released in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats.
Illustration and graphic design.
View more on my Clap Your Hands Say Yeah page.
"Hysterical" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (2011)
Released in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats.
Graphic design.
Art by Maya Pindyck.
View more on my Clap Your Hands Say Yeah page.
"Rapid Reality" by Radical Dads (2013)
Released in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats.
Lettering and graphic design.
Art by Dana Schutz.
View more on my Radical Dads page.
"Universal Coolers" by Radical Dads (2015)
Released in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats.
Lettering and graphic design.
Paintings by Steve Keene.
View more on my Radical Dads page.